From the moment they are laid, our tessellated tiles require only minimal maintenance; made of unglazed Vitrified porcelain from Winckelmans, our tessellated tiles are tough, weather-resistant and retain their colours for years to come. Here are some simple steps to keeping your beautiful tessellated floor as beautiful as they day they were installed.

How to clean your tessellated tile floor:
Cleaning a tessellated tile floor isn't as complicated as it's often made out to be. For basic maintenance, simply wipe over your tessellated floor with a damp mop, warm water and a small (no more than a teaspoon) amount of detergent . Scrub floor in a circular motion firmly. Do this once to twice a fortnight for optimal results. That's it!
Two weeks after installation (optional)
Caution: If there is a slate or marble edge, be extremely careful not to get the acid on the slate or marble, as discoloration will occur.
- Wait at last two weeks after your tessellated tiles have been laid to ensure that the cement bed is dry.
- Ensure the surface is free of sand and dirt by giving a quick sweep with a broom
- Mix 15 parts of water to 1 part Muriatic acid (making sure to wear protection and avoid any solution splashing onto your skin)
- Dip your broom or soft brush into your bucket, and gently scrub your mosaic or tessellated tiles with the acid solution to remove all the cement and salts. Be thorough.
- Wash the tiles with plenty of clean, warm water to remove all the acid solution. Once again be very careful with any slate or marble edges.
- Enjoy your tessellated tile floor for years to come
A couple of extra guidelines:
- No Bleach, caustic soda or any of the general floor cleaners on the market should be used.
- If salts returns, refer to Basic Maintenance guide.
- We recommend sealing the (Sima Range) floor tile where a lot of spillage of oil or grease can occur (example: industrial kitchen, workshops, driveways, etc). Sealing of our (Winckelmans Range) is optional and will provide an additional layer of protection – if you choose to do so, we recommend our Waterproof Sealant Stain Resistant Sealer or any other penetrating sealer.